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Why is my dog licking their groin area? Top reasons and solutions

This article covers common reasons why dogs lick their groin, such as muscle injuries, spinal issues, urinary problems, and skin allergies. Making dietary adjustments, giving supplements, and identifying the root cause is essential for providing effective relief and ensuring your dog's well-being.

Why being weird can be good

Why being weird or different is better than being the same, especially when it comes to your dog's health. Here are some top examples of how the conventional thinking can harm your dog and prevent them from living a happy and long life. 

Choke, prong and shock collars can irreversibly damage your dog

Learn why collar injuries make dogs sick and what collar alternatives are you can use. 

Why dogs lick their paws - Natural approach to treatment

Many dogs lick their paws and many of them are misdiagnosed and treated for the wrong problem. Learn what you can do for your dogs and treat him naturally.  All you need is to open your mind to the suggestions in this blog, try them and see...

Are risk-takers heroes or addicts?

Why are those that take part in extreme sports idolized and considered heroes? When do the impacts of their actions on those around them come into play? Read my thoughts on this here, along with why we shouldn't take risks when it comes to our dogs' health.

5 most common causes of allergies in dogs and people

What are true allergies in dogs and how can they be treated naturally? Here are 5 common causes of allergies in dogs (and people), as well as, a 5-step plan to help your dog overcome allergies, naturally.

Unravelling the myth of allergies in dogs

Allergies in dogs are one of the most common and also most commonly misdiagnosed conditions. In this article, you will learn what the true causes of allergies are, how to addressthem and get access to all you need to know to resolve your dog’s problems. 

A serious problem in dogs that is often ignored

Daily, I see dogs, pulling and choking on the leash attached to either a choke chain, martingale, prong or even a shock collar. Here are some important tips on how to prevent your dog from suffering from collar-related injuries. 

8 most common wishes dog people have for their dogs

I could easily write an essay on this topic, but I feel that there is no need for this. You and I know that dogs are simply "the bestest friends" we could ever dream up. Here are eight common wishes people have for their dogs.

A complete guide to skin hot spots in dogs - Natural treatment

Hot spots are a painful, itchy and uncomfortable skin condition that affects mainly the surface of a dog's skin. They are more common in the spring and summer which leads many people to mistakenly believe that they are primarily related to heat, moisture and perhaps allergies. Read on to find...

A complete natural treatment protocol for lick granuloma in dogs

There are many misunderstood conditions in veterinary medicine, but lick granuloma is probably one of the most common ones. It could easily be the medical form of “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Here is a 7-step natural treatment plan to address and treat your dog’s lick granuloma once and for...

A challenging injury: A real wake-up call

Throughout my life, I've kept my "guardian angels" pretty busy with various injuries, and I certainly do not know what else life has in store for me. However, I do know that the seemingly negative events in our lives may help us become better people and understand our dogs better.

5 step holistic approach to paw licking in dogs

Is your dog licking and chewing their paws raw? Most vets diagnose allergies, but many dogs are actually suffering an undetected injury. Find out how collars and pulling on leashes cause paw licking and get a 4 step holistic treatment plan.

The mysterious connection between your dog's neck and internal organ health

There is one part of the body that affects many vital organs. The neck is the gateway for nerve, energy and blood flow to the rest of your dog’s body. I know you want to protect your dog and keeping their neck healthy is a very important principle to achieve...

Your dog's invisible pathway of life that you must know about

You can avoid many harmful and unnecessary treatments for your dog with one simple principle. Learn how to check your dog’s spinal alignment and find out what ailments muscle injuries, pinched nerves and blocked energy flow can cause by reading this article.

Why I strongly disagree with a veterinary specialist

A recent email response to an article I wrote on paw licking from a veterinary specialist in dermatology made me realize I need to keep sharing what I have learned about neck and collar injuries and paw licking.