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What is the mystery dog illness? Update on CIRD in dogs

As Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) continues to impact dogs across the US and Canada, veterinarians and researchers are working tirelessly to find out what has caused this unusual outbreak and how to tackle it. But what is this mystery dog illness? Dive into our blog to get a better understanding...

Is kibble bad for dogs? A case against processed dog food

Are you feeding kibble to your dog? In a world where evolution often drives us towards short-term pleasure, this article aims to help your dog enjoy a healthier and longer life, starting with an optimal diet. Learn more about the connection between dog kibble and widespread health issues like obesity and diabetes and...

Can dogs eat strawberries?

  Discover if dogs can eat strawberries and how to add this nutritious fruit snack to your best friend’s diet. This short guide includes the health benefits of strawberries, vet-approved recommendations on how to feed them to your dog and a couple of homemade strawberry treat ideas for you to...

Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Explore a potentially misunderstood aspect of canine nutrition and uncover if tomatoes are safe for dogs to eat. 

Meet the world's oldest dog and his extraordinary family

Join us on a unique adventure to Portugal, where we spent two unforgettable days with Bobi, the world's oldest dog. We dive into the heartwarming celebration of Bobi's 31st birthday, discover the surprisingly simple secrets behind his longevity, and explore the deep bond between this remarkable canine and his loving...

Best bones for dogs: Complete vet-approved guide for pet parents

Dive into the world of raw bone feeding for dogs with our comprehensive guide, designed to help you navigate the benefits, risks, and best practices of this natural approach to canine dental care and nutrition. Uncover the secrets of choosing the best bones for dogs, avoiding potential hazards, and promoting...

The ultimate guide to safe and nutritious fruits for dogs

Can dogs eat bananas, apples, strawberries and other fruit? What about grapes? Find out what fruits are safe, toxic, and healthy for dogs. Learn about the potential health benefits and risks of feeding fruit to your canine companion, and get tips on the ideal time to feed it.

The nutrient depletion epidemic

Are you worried that your and your dog's diet is missing something? Maybe you're worried about toxin levels in food, the environment, or flea and tick products. Let's face it; we can't remove ourselves entirely from our toxin-filled world, but we can do things to reduce our exposure to harmful...

Why being weird can be good

Why being weird or different is better than being the same, especially when it comes to your dog's health. Here are some top examples of how the conventional thinking can harm your dog and prevent them from living a happy and long life. 

What is the correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus for dogs?

Whether you feed your dog a raw diet, or kibble, you'll want to read this important piece on how to ensure that your dog is getting all the essential nutrients they need and in the correct ratio without needing a PhD in nutrition. The principles in this article apply to...

What is the best time to feed your dog or puppy, and how many times per day?

An area that many dog parents have questions about is how often they should be feeding their pup, and what time of the day is best for feeding. This article will touch upon all the aspects of feeding, the physiological, the emotional, and the practical. I will also address the...

Your complete raw feeding travel guide (BARF diet compatible)

If you love to travel and feed your dog raw or cooked food, you don't need to switch your dog's diet when you're on the road. Here’s a complete guide to feeding raw and cooked food while you’re away from home.

How to transition dogs from kibble to raw food

Are you worried about your dog's health or thinking of making the switch from kibble to raw or cooked natural food? Learn how to switch your adult dog or puppy safely and how to make their diet complete. 

An interview with Dr. Karen Becker and Dr. Peter Dobias

I hope you enjoy this interview I did with Dr. Karen Becker. I admire Karen for her lifetime achievements, expertise, humility and tireless service to the cause of natural and holistic nutrition, healthcare and animal welfare. Enjoy!

Many dogs are unwell and it's all the electrician's fault!

Did you know that dog food kibble was invented by James Spratt, an electrician? While he fancied himself a nutritionist, he really was just hungry for money. Read here to find out how the kibble industry has brainwashed us, and why raw food is the best food for our dogs.

Diabetes in dogs - Treatment and prevention - Holistic approach

  Diabetes is one of the most frustrating diseases vets see, and it is so easy to prevent in many dogs. Diabetes happens almost exclusively in dogs on kibble, and this article explains the biology behind it. If you feed your dog a raw or cooked diet, you are very...

One thing will make the most difference to your dog's health

A long and healthy life can be so simple. It only takes one step to make a dramatic change.

All-natural homemade dog treat recipe

Your dog will LOOOVE these and Pax does too! Check out this healthy natural dehydrated dog treat recipe. 

4 steps that prevent 80% of your dog's health problems

Do you know why I love what I do? I’ve found my passion in life helping thousands of dog lovers every year learn the four steps to creating a healthy life for their dogs: feeding our dogs natural food, providing our dogs with essential supplements, putting our dogs through a...

An incredible story of survival that may inspire you

If you’re feeling down or find yourself in a difficult situation, read how a raw bone for dogs, an army of ants and a washing machine inspired me to contemplate human resilience and why just a little bit of stress can actually do us good.

5 most common causes of allergies in dogs and people

What are true allergies in dogs and how can they be treated naturally? Here are 5 common causes of allergies in dogs (and people), as well as, a 5-step plan to help your dog overcome allergies, naturally.

The differences between Skai and Pax

Since Pax came on the scene and flooded our lives with unbound and sometimes “untamed” happiness, some of you have been asking how different Pax and Skai are. I thought it would be fun for me to share about some of the similarities and differences between my two dogs, I...

Do we subconsciously sabotage our dog's health?

We all want our dogs to live happy long lives, but do we always make the right choices when it comes to their health? Does it all come down to a matter of good or bad luck?

Why I love being an "undercover agent"

Here is why I love being “an undercover agent” and why failures can lead to success in health and in life. All you need is a little courage, persistence, and an open mind. 

You and your dog can share this healthy treat

In our home, all the food we give to Pax is food we can eat as well. He loves this recipe and I am sure your dog will too. Give it a try!

Is your dog's health in your hands?

A fun and informative interview with my friend and Austrian colleague, Dr. Eva Furnschuss. Watch the video of our conversation for valuable insights into the energetics of disease, and how your decisions and treatment choices can greatly influence outcome.

One poison your dog is immune to, and you aren’t

Is being up-to-date on the news worth the toll it takes on our mental health and well-being? Our dogs have the answer.

How much food to feed your dog

Learn a few simple principles to ensure that your dog gets the right amount of food.

Is there something wrong when dogs eat grass?

Many people wonder if it is normal for their dog to eat grass. They often associate grass-eating with digestive problems or another disease, but in most cases that is not the situation.

Why do dogs have bad breath?

The secret to getting rid of smelly dog breath. How health and halitosis are connected and 5 ways you can improve your dog’s breath.

Why I don't like the word 'stupid'

I prefer to think that in most cases people are unaware, rather than stupid. When it comes to dog health, you may be unaware of many easy and natural steps you can take to help your dog live a happier longer life. Read on to learn more about many commonly unknown...

Can feeding a raw diet prevent fleas?

Conventional flea products are known for serious side effects, such as seizures. Sadly, with almost every chemically based product, there are reports of fatalities. This is one reason why so many dog lovers look for safer natural alternatives, and why I often get this question: "Can feeding a raw, natural diet...

Why to feed raw dog food – The magic school bus through the digestive tract

I have always loved the cleverness of the “Magic School Bus” – one of the most ingenious educational programs to date. Today, I would like to invite you on a journey through the digestive tract of two very different groups; herbivores and carnivores to see why nature, unlike processed food junk...

How to make homemade dehydrated dog food

A healthy way to travel with dogs Today I am writing on a train with sweet little Pax at my feet, snoozing away after running a few errands in Prague. Perhaps you are wondering why I am not taking the North American approach of driving; taking trains in Europe is...

Diarrhea in dogs & raw food diets | Interview with Dr. Judy Morgan

Our digestive system is part of a much larger picture than just processing food and nutrients. In fact, 80% of the immune system function resides in the gut. This means that your dog’s digestion and the food you feed is directly related to his or her disease and cancer resilience,...

10 essential questions you should ask

The reality is that unless you make food yourself or it is made of whole pet food by a company you trust, your dog’s food will continue to be “mystery food”.  Sadly, not every company can be trusted and it requires experience and skill to recognize the good ones from the...

A few simple steps can make a big difference in your dog's health

Although we can’t stop the natural cycle of our dog's life, what we can do is invest a few extra minutes in our dog, each day, to extend their life and help them be well until the very end.

What is much more dangerous than bacteria in raw dog food?

Are you afraid of bacteria?  If so, you are not alone. The fear of bacteria has been burdening humans since the invention of the microscope. It seems that our society has fallen for the bacterial drama and sensational media reporting that has turned bacteria into life-destroying monsters. 

A kitchen talk with Dr. Peter Dobias

Join me on my lunch break while I look through some of the questions we've received in our inbox. The following video is a compilation of answers to some of your most burning questions. Check it out now!

Giving update: Monkey's House

A heartwarming message from a dog hospice and sanctuary that we donated products to earlier this year.

Why are vets opposed to a raw diet and natural medicine?

When it comes to dogs, their health, and extending their lives, I am definitely a dreamer. I dream of a world where both the holistic and conventional practitioners work together to achieve the goals of healthy and long lives for our dogs.

How long will my dog live?

I thought it would be a good idea to start building a database that would allow us to compare the average life expectancy of dogs based on the food they eat and the supplements they get. Naturally, such a project takes some time, but if we take this on together, we...

Holistic approach to treatment of reverse sneezing in dogs

Learn what causes of reverse sneezing veterinarians commonly overlook and how you can help treat or prevent this troubling condition in your dog.

What I can and cannot do about cancer

Most cancers in dogs are still very hard to treat, and while I have seen rare and miraculous cures under my care, they are hard to repeat predictably. This is why the best cancer cure continues to be prevention. 

A complete guide to raising a puppy naturally

A natural approach to feeding, supplements, vaccination and procedures.

Is it ok to mix a raw diet and kibble?

Is a little bit of kibble ok? Is mixing a raw and cooked diet with a kibble now and then harmless or harmful? This article answers your questions about feeding kibble to your best friend.

Why some vets still sell processed food and speak against raw diet

When I am in a dog park or on the street and see a dog, it only takes two seconds for me to recognize a kibble fed dog from the one that eats raw or cooked wholesome food. What do you do when you meet a dog fed kibble? I'm...

Theatre of life - How to worry less about our dogs' aging

Do you wonder why dogs howl when they see the moon? Perhaps they are sending encoded messages to the Universe or God, reporting on the happenings here on Earth...