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The Wholesome Benefits of Barley Grass for Canine Wellness

Thanks to its nutritional profile, immune-boosting and digestive support properties,  barley grass can be extremely beneficial for your dog’s health and  well-being. From joint mobility to detoxification, this articles dives in the science of enhancing your dog's vitality and health at every stage of life.

Meet the world's oldest dog and his extraordinary family

Join us on a unique adventure to Portugal, where we spent two unforgettable days with Bobi, the world's oldest dog. We dive into the heartwarming celebration of Bobi's 31st birthday, discover the surprisingly simple secrets behind his longevity, and explore the deep bond between this remarkable canine and his loving...

What to do if your dog is limping or refuses to walk/run

Here is a first-aid guide for dogs and what to do if your dog has acute lameness, is limping or cannot walk or run. Also, learn how best to approach ongoing chronic mobility issues.

Monkey's House: Where dogs go to LIVE!

An interview with Monkey's House, a holistic sanctuary for senior dogs located on a small farm in New Jersey, USA. Monkey's House is a special animal rescue organization we’ve supported over the last couple of years that was founded by life long animal lovers, Michele and Jeff Allen.

9 step program to reduce your dog’s excessive panting

Panting in senior dogs is not just about being too hot. There are many reasons why older dogs pant. Here are 9 simple solutions how you can help.

Why a dog-less life sucks

When flying, the cabin is my sanctuary and I have lots of time to think and reflect. Here are my thoughts on a dog-less life.

Is your dog keeping an eye on you? More conversations with Skai

Many people say they can still feel their dogs presence after they’ve passed away. Could they be visiting you in different forms? 

Is there an afterlife? A conversation with my dog

Have you lost a dog and still felt their presence? If you’ve ever wondered if there is an afterlife for dogs you’ll want to read this article.

A big thank you + a little bit of Skai love

Its only been a week since my dog Skai passed away and I still feel his presence everywhere. Grieving the loss of our best friends is never easy, so I am sharing what I’ve learned with others suffering the same heartbreak.

What do mandarin oranges have to do with dogs?

Why you don’t have to despair as you watch your senior dog age. Ways you can prepare yourself for the time you have to say goodbye to your best friend.

Why older dogs stare or get stuck in a corner

Sometimes senior dogs seem to get stuck in a corner, blankly staring at the wall. This behaviour can be a sign of a liver deficiency or other deficiencies and can be easily treated with vitamin and mineral supplements.

How to keep your older dog naturally flexible, happy and fit

Our dogs don’t have to be immobile and decrepit by the time they turn into seniors. I know you feel the time you have with your dog is precious, just like me, so I want to share how I kept my dog Skai active and healthy as a senior dog....